October 31, 2011

Your Opinion About Halloween

YES! Today is Halloween but it's also All Saint's Eve. What do you celebrate?
How do you celebrate this night? Do you wear costumes? Do you enjoy spooky stories?

If you want to know more about the History of Halloween visit this PAGE

If you want to watch an example of short scary movie, watch this:

What's your opinion about Halloween?

Please, leave a comment telling us!

October 23, 2011

Are you Stressed?

Watch and listen to this interesting video about STRESS, then do the test below and find out about your own stress level.

Notice that you can watch the video with subtitles, clicking in the icon 'CC.'

Click HERE to do the test :-)

Please,  leave a comment.

October 20, 2011

Infinitive or -ING?

I really love doing nothing
Remember the general rules:

WE use the -ing form

After certain Verbs

After preposition

When the verb is the subject of the dentece

We use the infinitive:

After certain verbs

After adjectives

For reason or purpose

See the following links


Verbs followed by INFINITIVE
Verbs followed by -ING
Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)*


1. Do they enjoy_____ (read) ?
2. Sorry for ______(be) so late. I overslept!
3. I don't mind _____ (help) in the house.
4. It was stupid _________(run): the train had left.
5. She's always dreamt of ________(have) a house by the seaside .
6. ___________(not/have) a mobile phone nowadays is old-fashiones.
7. What about________ (ask) our teacher?
8. We stopped_________ (talk) when the teacher entered the room.
9. Please, keep__________ (tell) us what happened yesterday.
10. She promised_________ (help) me with the essay.
11. They would prefer ________(fly) to England.
12. Will you be able________ (speak) English fluently next year?
13. She left without _________(say) good-bye.
14. He persuaded her________ (buy) another washing-machine.
15. Susan bought the car _________(give) it to her daughter for her birthday ?

Answers will be seen in Comment 1 :-)

Agreeing and disagreeing


I’ve been to Mexico >>> I haven’t. What’s  it like?
I like eating snails>>>I don’t. I think they are disgusting
I didn’t watch TV last night.>>> I did. I saw a great comedy film
I am a fan of George Clooney  >>>I am not. I prefer John Malkovich
I can’t relax easily >>> I can. Have you tried doing yoga?


I’ve been to Mexico >>> So have I.
I like eating snails>> So do I.
I didn’t watch TV last night.>>> Neither did I.
I am a fan of George Clooney  >>>So am I.
I can’t relax easily >>> Neither can I.
My car needs cleaning >> So does mine.
You shouldn't arrive late >>Neither should you! 

 Showing surprise (Echo questions)

I've been to Brazil twice. -Have you?
My parents have never travelled. -Havent't they?
Susie is ill. -Is she?
We are eaing out tonight. -Are you?
This is my first class. -Is it?
I can't swim. -Can't you?

FOR Further practice
Click HERE and HERE


Quality or Quantity

Little /few

A little/ very little/ too little + uncountable nouns (water, oxygen, rice, sport, money, honey, coffee wood, food, weather, love, happiness, etc)
We have very little sugar.
We practise too little sport
We’ve got a little time

A few/very few/ too few + countable nouns ( people, carrots, chairs, animals, flowers, vegetables, euros, minutes, etc)
There are too few people who speak German.
We could see only a few trees in the park.
Very few children don’t like computer games.

 Too, too much, too many, enough

Too +adjective     This exercise is too easy.  I arrived too late.  He's too young to drive. He's too weak to lift it.

Too much + uncountable noun
   Too many + countable nouns
There is too much shadow. There are too many people.

Adjective> enough  
 He isn't old enough to drive.  He isn't strong enough to lift it.
Enough> noun     There aren't enough chairs.   There isn't enough light.

ACTIVITY ONE>> Complete the sentences with too, too much, too many, enough.
1. Kevin is always at home. He doesn't go out
2. I don't like the weather in
Galicia . There is rain.
3. You are always tired. I think you work hard .
4. You drink coffee and tea. It's not good for you.
5. I can't wait for them. I haven't got time.
6. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. There were people
7. Real
Madrid didn't play well. They made mistakes
8. I don't like the weather in
Scotland. It's cold
9. Hey, friends, did you have to eat? Yes, thank you
10. You don't eat fruit, you should eat some more.

a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large amount of, a great deal of/ large number of

  • Plenty of shops open on Sunday mornings. (NOT Plenty shops …)
  • Many shops open on Sunday mornings. (NOT Many of shops …)
  • There is not a lot of rice left. (NOT There is not a lot rice left.)
  • There is not much rice left. (NOT There is not much of rice left.)
A lot of and lots of
These are rather informal. There is not much difference between a lot of and lots of. They are both used mainly before singular uncountable and plural nouns, and before pronouns. When a lot of/lots of is used before a plural subject, the verb is plural.
  • A lot of my friends live abroad.
  • Lots of time is needed to learn a language.
Plenty of
Plenty of means ‘enough and more’. It is used before singular uncountable and plural nouns.
  • There is plenty of time.
  • Plenty of shops accept credit cards.
A large amount of, a great deal of and a large number of
These expressions are rather formal. A large amount of and a great deal of are generally used before uncountable nouns.
  • She has spent a great deal of time in Europe.
A large number of is used before plural nouns. The following verb is plural.
  • A large number of issues still need to be addressed.

Activity TWO>>  Choose the best italic word from each sentence :
-We haven’t got much / many money these days.
-I’ve got a few / a little fruit and a lot of / many vegetables .
-They don’t seem to have much / many free time these days.
-He has only read a few / a little chapters of that new book, but he likes it.
A : Does he show much / many interest in sports ?
B : Yes, a lot / a lot of .
-There aren’t many / much buildings and traffic problems in that place, so there is no / any stress there.
-Don’t worry, we still have too much/plenty of time
-A large number/ a great deal of people are losing their jobs
A : How many/how much water is there left?
B: Any/None

ANSWERS to activities IN CONMMENT 1

Questions without Auxiliaries

Questions without auxiliary from torrepacheco