November 22, 2012

Answers SELF Test Units 1-2

You have here the answers to the Self Test done in class today (NA1- Tuesday/Thursday group)

1. Isn't this film fantastic?

2. What are you thinking about?

3. How many students are in your class?

4. Coul you tell me where the cinema is?

5. Do you know what time the bank closes?

1 French 2 short dark 3 new blue striped 4 Italians 5 the poor 6 lovely little silver 7 so 8 such a

1 haven't 2 won't 3 doesn't 4 does 5 would 6 am

1 have you been learning 2 I've been painting 3 have jsut seen 4 hasn't talked 5 haven't done 6 has he had

1 was doin 2 had been walking 3 had left 4 didn't go 5 was raing 6 had been waiting

1 stubborn 2 impulsive 3 reserved 4 ambitious 5 cheerful 6 immature 7 open- minded 8 insincere

a. type b. Chatting c. Vain d. To e. Neck f.up g. Nearly h. In i. Still j. Hardly k. late

1 customs 2 flight 3 took 4 bagagge 5 control 6 crew 7 passengers 8 landed


  1. Anonymous11/25/2012

    This kind of activities are very interesting because permit me to know what I need to study and to practice more. Thanks

  2. I have 2 problems with the activities

    First problem, Exercise Grammar 1.1 In the photocopy there is the sord "a" and there's not in the key

    Second problem, Exercise 7k. The excercise in the photocpy is diferent. Actually, The 7k in the key, match with 7l in the photocopy.


Questions without Auxiliaries

Questions without auxiliary from torrepacheco